Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Liang, SSu-ch'eng stated in 1984, "The architecture of China is as old and Chinese civilization. From every source of information- literary, graphic, exemplary- there is strong evidence testifying to the fact that the Chinese have always enjoyed an indigenous system of construction that has retained its principal characteristics from prehistoric times to the present day. Over the vast area from Chinese Turkistan to Japan, from Manchuria, the same system of construction could perpetuate itself for more than four thousand years over such a vast territory and still remain a living architecture, retaining its principal characteristics in spite of repeated foreign invasions - military, intellectual, and spiritual- is a phenomenon comparable only to the continuity of the civilization of which it is an integral part". The Chinese culture is the world's longest continuous civilization, lasting 4,000 years. Today China has the largest population in the world.
Architecture/Construction Techniques:

  • Stupa- mound of dirt, such as a burial ground, where a more permanent structure is built over the mound. This prototype was birthed in India. The stupa came to China as Buddhism spread to that region. It acknowledged important people in the Buddhist religion. However, the limitations of the stupa include no space for visitors. The Chinese then invented the Pagoda, which is a combination of the Stupa and Chinese tower building.
  • Great Wall of China- This is a fortification built of stone, brick, wood, mud, and earth. It runs along the Northern border of China. It is 5500-13,000 miles long and included watch towers.
  • Interiors- Both residential and commercial buildings are based on a "courtyard" building style with a lot of emphasis on orientation, layout, and symmetry.
    • Chinese furniture replaced mats and the form was light, beautiful, and stable. The bed was a very versatile piece of furniture. Chairs were made of Huali wood, lacquer, ceramic, and bamboo.
Past Examples:

Current Examples:

Extra Credit:
This is a video on the Great Wall of China:
This is a video on the construction of pagodas:
Peer Review:
Emma: Your blog was very easy to read which I appreciate. You included important information but did not overload the reader with facts. 
Erin: I like that you included the fact that Chinese interiors are intricate while the furniture is simple. I think that is an important aspect to know. 

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