Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Gothic Period

The Gothic period lasted from 1140-1500. Some world events during this time period include:
  • 1163: construction begins on Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris
  • 1180-1192: third crusade
  • 1280: eyeglasses are invented in Italy
  • 1337-1453: One Hundred Years War between the French and English
  • 1347: black plague begins in Europe
Some facts about the Gothic society include:
  • Paris center of the Gothic world
  • Churches were the center of city life
  • New rivals between city states and nations
  • Competition and unity in construction of cathedrals
  • Knighthood, chivalry and artisan guilds
  • Black plague killed 75 million - nearly 1/3 of the population
 Some facts about Gothic religion include:
  • Religious expression was the heart of design
  • Popes had immense power
  • Wealth and power were found in the church
  • Large numbers required large worship spaces
  • Relics of saints replaced with adoration of Virgin Mary (Notre Dame)
 When looking at Gothic architecture it is important to note that this period was the bridge between Romanesque to Renaissance. The Gothic period was birthed from Romanesque and they introduced the pointed arch, ribbed vault, and the flying buttress.
Cathedrals had the appearance of weightlessness with tall walls and many stained glass windows. They transcend earthly experience, and a prime example of this architecture is the Cathedral of San Denis.
The Cathedral of St. Denis is located in France and dates to 1130.  It is most well known for the choir and the nave.

The Notre Dame cathedral at Chartres was constructed form 1145-1220.

The Notre Dame cathedral at Paris was constructed form 1163-1345.

Cathedrals made their way to England 50 years after France. English cathedrals are lower and longer than the french. Tradesmen may have traveled from country to country during this time, and on their journeys they spread the Gothic style from France to England. During this time, cathedrals were erected to express devotion to God and to provide economic drivers.
The Wells Cathedral was constructed from 1174-1425.

German cathedrals were constructed from 1350-1550. They are similar to French cathedrals, however, they have larger towers.
The Regensburg Cathedral was constructed from 1273-1570.

Cathedrals in Spain are wider and have a more complex plan.
The Barcelona Cathedral was constructed form the 1300's to the 1500's.

Cathedrals in Italy utilize poly-chrome decoration.
The Siena Cathedral was constructed from 1245-1380.

Unfortunately, when looking at Gothic residential design, very few homes are still standing. We get our information about the design period form illuminated manuscripts and tapestries. There was great richness in color, materials, and decoration. The linenfold motif in furniture was very popular, as was tracery in windows. It is interesting to think that this period is coined with the invention of the cupboard.
When looking at current applications it is important to compare Gothic cathedrals to contemporary churches. It is also important to acknowledge that Gothic construction was a precursor to modern sky rises.

Extra Credit:
This video is a tour of St. Wells cathedral:
This video is a tour of the Notre Dame at Paris:

Peer Review:
Anna: You did a very nice job of giving a brief overview of the Gothic period. I like that you included information about stained-glass windows.
Becca: I really like the way you delivered your information. The use of bullet points is a good way to share information but also make it easy to read through.

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